FUEL Foundation Society is a not-for-profit organization that is working towards creating an equitable society by collaborating with vulnerable communities. Our mission is to design and implement education and art projects in the area of knowledge, livelihood and community development that aim to help the under-resourced, marginalized and rural communities.

The Foundation is registered under The Society Registration Act, 1860, registered U/S 12A of Income Tax Act, 1961 and granted Income Tax exemption 80G of Income Tax, 1961.

We most believe in


Making learnings accessible to all


Innovating with traditional setups

Serving the community


Action led change

Solving for what is needed


Creating an empathetic and just world

  • Supporting Education

    Our education projects are focused on developing 21st-century life skills in students by providing them with vibrant experiences through research projects or capacity building workshops.

  • Creating Livelihood

    Initiatives to equip village youths, women, artisans and other stakeholders with digital skills, financial literacy and marketing techniques, technological support, vocational training, and the implementation of innovative best practices.

  • Preserving culture

    This happens through research programs, audio-visual documentation, upskilling workshops, and digital literacy classes. Our team also trains youth in the community in sourcing data and documentation skills.